
Spiritual Cleansing

The modern-day practice of burning sage (or sage combined with other dried herbs) in personal smudging rituals and ceremonies is based on a combination of the spiritual, medicinal, herbal and cultural teachings of the past. 12106871_10208070154173897_3593429926685735107_n

Essentially, a smudging ritual or a smudge ceremony is performed to correct the energy in a home, in an office, in an object, or even in a person. This is accomplished by burning sage or sage and a combination of herbs, in a focused, intentional way to cleanse out negative energy and to replenish positive, healing energy.


I found out shortly after I moved to my new place that one of my healers does smudging of homes with sage and I asked her if she would be willing. She said yes and it’s taken us this long to sync our schedules. Or if I’m really being honest, it’s taken me this long to slow my ass down enough and make the time for this. She had not been to my new place yet either so it was great to finally have her over on Thursday just so she can feel my space. She said it had good energy as she came inside. She appreciated what I’ve done with the place as well. We talked for a little bit and she told me some background about why she was drawn to this Native American ritual and ceremony. She asked if I was comfortable with her smudging me and having me be a part of saging my own house. I loved the idea and had secretly hoped I, myself would be smudged.

I won’t go into detail about our ritual because the act itself was deeply moving and personal. What I can say is it truly felt like a blessing, a cleansing and a shifting of energy for me and my home! I had a few situations going on with me this day surrounding family and work that I was actively working on accepting. I wasn’t quite there yet. However, the ritual moved me beyond acceptance to a place of inner peace. I hadn’t even thought of either situation until I got a text about my weekend plans falling through. I was perfectly at peace with it, knew that would be the  most likely outcome anyway. I now have time and room in my schedule for a couple of other activities that I believe I really need. The energy flowing in and through me and my home right then was A-MAZING! I  and my surroundings truly did feel incredible. The deeper connection I made and felt with myself and my healer felt so right. I was able to share with her some paths that are being put before me that I am giving major energy, consideration and intention to. She was so receptive and I got some really phenomenal feedback from her about her own unique experience on her path.

The feeling lasted with me when I woke up this morning. As I’ve mentioned here a few times, my commute takes roughly an hour each way. I still felt peaceful during my drive. So much so, I didn’t want or need music or the morning chatter of any of the few radio morning shows programmed into my car stereo. Instead, there was a vibrant humming silence and a beautiful morning sky! Check it out –>12096064_10208072144463653_4478809458653345768_n





Oh, and the weekend plans that fell through? I made other plans to attend a Chakra Invocation workshop at my yoga studio. Except that I got another text informing me at that the original weekend plans, ie family coming to town, were back on. Which I was over the moon about as I had not been able to spend anytime with this particular branch of my family since February of this year. But what of the workshop I signed up and paid for? Hello God/Universe! The workshop was cancelled and my card will be refunded. I just love the way my life works out most of the time… That’s right, most of the time and I think that’s a pretty fantastic attitude to have if I do say so myself.

I am grateful,  humble and open to what is continually put before me. It’s huge. It’s going to take an extraordinary amount of intention, effort, work and faith. I’m ready for the turn this ride seems to be taking! Are you still coming with? Stay tuned. mind-767583__180



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