
That Which Unites Us

12240871_1060899537276434_5894645063716926897_oThat which unites us is far greater than what divides us. Our common humanity is more powerful than any inhuman acts. Yet there is that small, fanatical fraction of us that is convicted in their cause of division, destruction and death. And let’s be clear, radical terrorists of any nationality or cause are still human. I can’t begin to understand, much less comprehend what it takes to systematically drive a human or group of humans to hate so unequivocally. I agree with President Obama, these attacks are not just against Paris and Parisians. These attacks are against our collective humanity, our collective freedoms, and securities.

Their weapons are bombs. Human suicide bombers, airliners piloted into buildings, explosives designed to destroy, maim, kill and strike terror. It’s become so commonplace, knowing it can and will happen anywhere, anytime and in unimaginable ways. Again, I can’t begin to answer the question of why this particular time in history has given rise to terrorists and mass shootings on such a horrific scale. I just can’t and maybe I don’t need to. Because I believe an unintended consequence, of their acts of terror and violence, is a drawing together of the rest of humanity. In our disbelief, in our grief, in our compassion, we are drawn together as one.

Here is what I remember in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks… I felt like an American. I felt like a part of this country in a way that went beyond goosebumps watching fireworks on the 4th of July or standing with my hand over my heart listening to the national anthem before a sporting event or National pride every 4 years at Olympic outcomes. I know after the Virgina Tech and Sandy Hook Elementary shootings, we as a nation grieved together.

As social media continues to evolve and shrink the globe with its proximity and immediacy, it’s been the main facilitator in connecting us at this time in our modern history. It unites us to other parts of the world and other cultures, showing us our commonality more than differences. If we are willing to see the similarities. Who doesn’t love, appreciate and heart melt over a smiling, loving baby? Who doesn’t see or feel the unifying realization of family, laughter, love, music, faith and gratitude for what one has? This, our collective light, love, compassion, hope, passion will overcome darkness, fear and hatred every time. Every. Damn. Time. No matter the cost. 10984638_998888616870859_7999765687922613027_n

As I cry and grieve over the stories and images coming out of Paris, I am still grateful for my freedom and right to choose hope and compassion. I am grateful that I’ve already chosen to live from my heart, which can really hurt on days like this. But then all I have to do is reach out to those around me in my personal life or on social media. To see the light, the love, the compassion, the hope. These are our weapons and I wield them gratefully.

Namaste and God Bless Paris and her children. God Bless us all, even those trapped in their hatred and fear.

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