Dealing… Because Life Goes On Ya Know?

The lemon bundlet did its job and isn’t nearly as destructive as a drink would have been. I drove home and stopped off at the store for items needed to make a dip for a friend’s birthday potluck at work Friday. I got home, put away the groceries and did the dishes. I picked up Baby Bub from work at 8 and came home to tackle the FIVE (5!!!) boxes of Pampered Chef products that had to be sorted for delivery at work tomorrow… In other words, business as usual. Life goes on. Plus it was a lot of fun sorting through orders and most importantly, putting mine aside. I earned quite the haul and couldn’t resist setting up my new bamboo sink caddy since the coveting of it started me on that particular journey.
I also ended up having a funny, meaningful interaction with a Facebook friend and her friend, who is a pretty high-brow movie reviewer. In fact, he might do it professionally, they’re that well written. I wrote a review about the television series “The West Wing” because they were posting about wanting to check it out based on a video from a scene of Martin Sheen as President Bartlett putting a verbal smackdown on a right-wing talk show host. I have the series on DVD and was an avid watcher and fan back in the day. My review was well received and I think it tipped the scales because they both said they are definitely going to watch it now.
Lastly, I found something really cool and uplifting on my newsfeed this afternoon from the page of You Are Not Stuck by Becky Vollmer. This put my disappointment into perspective and made me feel instantly better about myself because today I am the reaching, the growing, the stretching, the striving. Even if I don’t get to my destination, I am the journey.
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What you become in this journey is far important than the end results.